Street Beat: SHA Closing Multiple Lanes at I-495 and I-270 on Monday Night

I-495 Beltway University Boulevard Bridge ClosureOn Monday, the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) crews are scheduled to temporarily close four of six lanes where the outer loop of I-495 and the I-270 west spur merge just prior to the Bradley Boulevard overpass in Montgomery County. The temporary overnight lane closures are necessary as crews make repairs on the MD 191 (Bradley Boulevard) overpass.

Weather permitting, SHA will begin the process of closing the four center lanes at 9 p.m.; all lanes will reopen no later than 5 a.m. Tuesday morning.

SHA will use arrow boards, variable message signs and barrels to guide motorists through the work zone.

Crews will install wooden planking under the MD 191 bridge over I-495 which will allow crews to make repairs to the bridge deck on MD 191.

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