“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Opens In Theaters This Week and Fans Are Excited (VIDEO)

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” will be released in theaters this week. In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Montgomery Community Media staff talk about what they are looking forward to in the movie.

MyMCMedia would like to hear from you too,  are you excited about the new “Star Wars” movie?

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Maureen Chowdhury

About Maureen Chowdhury

Maureen Chowdhury is a multimedia journalist with Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at mchowdhury@mymcmedia.org and on Twitter at @MediaMaureen. Maureen authors the blog Sound Check on MyMCMedia.


One Response to ““Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Opens In Theaters This Week and Fans Are Excited (VIDEO)”

  1. Avatar
    On December 15, 2015 at 8:06 pm responded with... #

    I can not wait for the movie!

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