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Image of Merlyn Reineke, Executive Director of Montgomerey Community Media

About Merlyn on Media

Merlyn Reineke is Executive Director of Montgomery Community Media, which provides media training and community-based content by-and-for the residents of Montgomery County. Merlyn’s blog focuses on all-things media, with an emphasis on how community-based media can make our county a better place to live, work and play.... Read more

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Merlyn Reineke

SNAP The Silence Challenge: Prep Day (Video)

With the SNAP The Silence Challenge almost upon us, MCM’s executive director prepares for a week of eating on only $5 a day. Check out his first web video here:

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About Merlyn Reineke

Merlyn Reineke is Executive Director of Montgomery Community Media, which provides media training and community-based content by-and-for the residents of Montgomery County.


One Response to “SNAP The Silence Challenge: Prep Day (Video)”

  1. Avatar
    On February 3, 2013 at 10:29 am responded with... #

    Best of luck Merlyn. Very honorable challenge.

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