Small Business Awards Ceremony Grows in Second Year (Video)

More than 400 owners and representatives from local businesses gathered in one room at the Bethesda North Marriott on May 9 for the County’s second annual awards ceremony to recognize small businesses for their contributions to the community.

MyMCMedia’s Valerie Bonk has the story of how the annual awards ceremony and the small business community has grown over the past year.

It was a crowded room at the North Bethesda Marriott where the County Executive kicked off an event honoring the accomplishments of eleven local businesses and thanking the more than 33,000 small businesses in the County for their service to the community.

“We thank them for driving the economy, growing jobs and being an important part of our community,” said Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett. “This annual event is very special to all of us. We are celebrating and supporting our local small businesses which is the top priority for this administration.”

This year, the County’s Department of Economic Development, which heads the event, added three categories to the award ceremony including non-profit, veteran-owned company and hospitality company of the year.

“We’re very fortunate to have won this award having grown up in Montgomery County, attended public schools in Montgomery County, graduated from the University of Maryland I’m very proud to be involved in business in Montgomery County,” said Vira Safai, a managing partner of the Comfort Inn in Gaithersburg.

 For the founder of TCS Associates, which provides assistive technology and interpretive services for people with disabilities, says the award means the world to her and her staff.

“I’m absolutely thrilled and honored because I’ve worked so hard for thirty two years, this has just been a wonderful opportunity,” said Myrna Aiello, CEO of TCS Associates with the help of an interpreter. “I have a wonderful company and a wonderful team of people I couldn’t possibly do it without them.”

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Valerie Bonk

About Valerie Bonk

Valerie Bonk is a multimedia reporter and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media (MCM).


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