Sleep in Protest Scheduled for Feb. 9 at MCPS Offices (VIDEO)

The Montgomery County Public Schools Board of Education is scheduled to vote on school Bell Times on Feb. 10 and some local parents and students have scheduled a “sleep in” protest the day before the vote.

The group has created a “Save Our Sleep” Facebook page and a You Tube video (see below) with over 1,000 views to also get their message across.

The protest at MCPS offices is scheduled from 3:30 – 5 p.m. on Monday afternoon.

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


3 Responses to “Sleep in Protest Scheduled for Feb. 9 at MCPS Offices (VIDEO)”

  1. On February 8, 2015 at 9:06 pm responded with... #

    Please consider doing the right thing for our students.

  2. On February 9, 2015 at 5:29 pm responded with... #

    I think they need to leave the times alone. If the high school kids don’t get enough sleep then the parents need to put their foot down and make them go to bed. There is NO reason to make the elementary school kids have to get up any earlier then they already do.
    Also if the times are changed then it messes up the parents work schedule. They need to leave the tomes the way they are!!

    • On February 10, 2015 at 1:41 pm responded with... #

      If you re a parent, you will feel differently when your young children become teenagers. High School kids are really loaded down with lots of homework these days – especially those in the magnet programs , and the pressure to get it all done keeps them up late. That combined with after school jobs or activities makes it very difficult That combined with a teens internal clock which sets itself to later bedtimes. Putting your foot down does not easily work at that age – these are not toddlers but young adults. And believe me these kids want to sleep. My overworked daughter starts her day at 5:30am every weekday morning, goes to school and because she is in the magnet program (her choice) has extra class period which means her school day ends at 3pm When playing sports she has a 2 hour practice every day after school, then comes home for a working dinner in front of the computer to do homework and is up sometimes till midnight or 1 am to get all her work done. She is not alone. A lot of young kids have equally crazy schedules. She works more hours then any adult I know all on about 5-6 hours of sleep a night. you try it, then imagine your young one doing the same in high School.

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