Six Roads Closed
Portions of six roads in Montgomery County remain closed this morning (June 11) due to flooding. Closures include:
- Berryville Road at the creek.
- Hispley Mill Road, 24100 to 24898 block.
- Izaak Walton Way, 20500 to 20574 block.
- Kingstead Road, at the creek.
- Loghouse Road between Newbury Road and Founders Road.
- West Old Baltimore Road at the creek.
If you approach a flooded roadway, do not attempt to drive through it. Turn around and find an alternate route. Report flooded roadways by calling 311 or 240.777.0311 during normal business hours (Monday through Friday 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. or by visiting at any time. Remember, if a life threatening situation exists, call 911 immediately.
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