Silver Spring Zombie Walk Set for Oct. 24th (VIDEO)
Zombie alert: The Silver Spring Zombie Walk talks place on Oct. 24 in downtown Silver Spring.
Hundreds are expected to participate in this year’s walk, and County Councilmember Hans Riemer welcomes them.
“Silver Spring is one the most diverse communities in the nation,” said Riemer in a news release posted on the event’s website. “Each year on the Saturday before Halloween we even welcome hordes of the undead to our vibrant downtown corridor.”
This popular event was launched in 2008. Today, these Zombies are social with a Facebook group and a Twitter account. This year’s Zombies will gather at 8 p.m. on Saturday night at Sligo and Georgia avenues in downtown Silver Spring. The walk is scheduled to begin at 9 p.m.
ZOMBIE_PROMO_2015 from DC Visionaries on Vimeo.
For the walking route and more information, visit the Silver Spring Zombie Walk website.
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