Silver Spring Transit Center Set for Late Spring Release
Work at the Silver Spring Transit Center is on track for a late spring release, according to General Services Director David Dise.
In an interview on April 6th, Dise said he is preparing to transmit a memo to County Council President George Leventhal to update the County Council next week about the status of the remediation work at the facility. He noted that workers have finished work on strut beams on the top level and work to make the facility ADA compliant is ongoing.
Once all the remediation work is completed at the facility, most likely in mid-to-late June, Dise said the Silver Spring Transit Center would be turned over to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) as outlined in the memorandum of understanding (MOU). After that, he said WMATA has 60 days to review the facility for opening.
According to Dise, the county has been working closely with WMATA throughout the construction process.
You know, that’s funny, because a couple of months ago, Dise was telling the county council that it would April or May, probably late May.
Now he’s saying June, and at this point, I would not be surprised if by Preakness weekend he’s very quietly saying, “Um…August?” And before we know it, it’ll be Thanksgiving, and Dise will be excusifying that they missed the weather window, again, for the third straight year.