Silver Spring Offers Three Grab and Go Food Distributions in August

A grab and go boxed groceries and meal distribution will take place Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 31 Norwood Road, Silver Spring. 

Individuals are limited to one box per car and must stay in their car while obtaining the food. 

The grab and go distribution will also take place on August 12 and 19 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

This event is sponsored by The People’s Community Baptist Church and Nourish Now, a local nonprofit helping to distribute donated food to those in need. 

For more information, visit the county’s website here.

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About Shauneen Miranda

Shauneen Miranda was an intern at Montgomery Community Media during the summer of 2020 while she was studying journalism with a concentration in sociology at the University of Maryland.


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