Silver Spring Gets ‘Black Lives Matter’ Street Mural
Montgomery County officially has its first “Black Lives Matter” street mural. Here’s a look at photos MyMCMedia’s Tchad Moore took at the new mural on Philadelphia Avenue in Silver Spring:
Photo by Tchad Moore/MyMCMedia
Black Lives Matter Silver Spring mural | Tchad Moore/MyMCMedia
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About Deirdre Byrne
Deirdre Byrne is a social media coordinator for Montgomery Community Media. She can be reached at or on twitter at @DeirdreByrneMCM.
Great. Moco can’t pay for all the PPE our schools now need and revenue is tanking but we can afford to waste
money on “feel good” efforts instead of directing money to so many other actually needed areas where people would actually benefit
Great. Moco can’t pay for all the PPE our schools now need and revenue is tanking but we can afford to waste
money on “feel good” efforts instead of directing money to so many other actually needed areas where people would actually benefit
Amazing! Is this county sanctioned/ sponsored?
I wish it were in a prominent place like colesville or ellsworth or wayne…or even silver spring ave. This street is dead end into a garden.