Silver Spring Biotech Receives State Award
United Therapeutics Corp. received the Bright Lights Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Montgomery County. Comptroller Peter Franchot presented the award Wednesday.
In a statement, Franchot heralded United Therapeutics chairman and CEO Martine Rothblatt for creating hundreds of jobs and saving the lives of thousands of people.
The award recognizes the private and nonprofit innovation that generates jobs and tax revenue, and develops new ideas to more effectively deliver services and products in the marketplace. A winner from each of Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore city will be awarded.
United Therapeutics develops and sells unique products to address the unmet medical needs of patients with chronic and life-threatening cardiovascular and infectious diseases and cancer. The company’s products include drugs that fight a kind of hypertension, as well as a kind of nerve cancer found in children, according to its website.
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