Shaping our Future- A group of experts met and gave advice to the County council on preserving and creating affordable housing in Montgomery County, featured on Montgomery Community Media

Shaping our Future: The Need for Affordable Housing (Video)

As part of its Shaping Our Future series, the Montgomery County Council held a briefing last month about preserving and creating affordable housing in Montgomery County.

On April 10, the Council will hold another briefing in this series about transit, including the Purple Line, Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) and Rapid Transit Network.

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One Response to “Shaping our Future: The Need for Affordable Housing (Video)”

  1. Avatar
    On April 6, 2012 at 9:27 am responded with... #

    People CAN live somewhere else if they can’t affford to buy what they wish could buy in montgomery county. Stop wasting time on this. People wish for a lot of things, it’s not the governments job to make housing dreams come true.

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