Senator Mikulski Meets with MoCo Council (Photos & Videos)

U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski met with the Montgomery County Council on Feb. 11 over an informal lunch to discuss local and federal issues of interest.

Mikulski, who was recently named the chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, shared some dire news about the possible impact of sequestration next month on Maryland and Montgomery County if Congress doesn’t agree to a deficit reduction plan by March 1. MyMCMedia’s Sonya Burke reports.

You can watch the entire discussion right here and peruse some photos of the meeting, below.

Mikulski was scheduled to meet County Executive Ike Leggett after the Council lunch to discuss sequestration concerns and transportation issues.

Timeline of Budget Deadlines

March 1, Sequester Starts (across the board spending cuts begin to go in effect)
March 27, CR Expires (Govt. would shut down without continued funding)
April 15, Deadline for Senate and House to pass budget (or members’ pay is put in escrow, until the end of the first session of the 113th Congress, untouchable until 2015)
May 19, Debt limit is reached again (resulting from HR 325)
–Debt limit isn’t raised to any specific number.
–Treasury is just allowed to pay the bills until May 18.
–Then Treasury can use “extraordinary measures” (until July or August)

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