Safe Silver Spring Discusses Legislative Priorities for 2016 (VIDEO)
Safe Silver Spring hosted its annual Legislative Forum on Thursday, January 7, at the Silver Spring Civic Building. In this MyMCMedia video, elected officials and citizens discuss upcoming public safety legislation. MyMCMedia’s Willie James Inman reports.
To learn more about Safe Silver Spring you can visit its Facebook page.
Great set of videos. Many thanks
Where are the responsible gun owners- we seem to hear from those who, out of fear, want to own assault rifles, want to hide guns so that they can bring them out at the mall shooting and then be shot by arriving policemen, or who want to terrorize normal people who are Christians and are not walking around in fear all the time.
Guns are a disease in this country and state- and the sellers, the pushers, the owners, the misguided judges- maybe they should form a militia and become constitutional- but it would have to be well regulated.