Rockville Residents to Elect New Mayor and Council Members on Nov. 3
Rockville voters will head to the polls on Nov. 3, to vote for a mayor and four councilmembers.
On the ballot this year, there are two candidates for mayor and nine candidates for four open council seats. The deadline to certify as a candidate was Sept. 4th.
The candidates for mayor are:
• Bridget Donnell Newton
• Sima Osdoby
The candidates for council are:
• Beryl L. Feinberg
• Rich Gottfried
• David Hill
• Brigitta Mullican
• Virginia D. Onley
• Julie Palakovich Carr
• Mark Pierzchala
• Clark Reed
• Patrick Schoof
The four council candidates with the most votes will win the four council seats.
Rockville will offer early voting on Saturday, Oct. 24, and Sunday, Oct. 25, from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. on Election Day.
The city offers same-day voter registration for eligible residents who are not yet registered to vote at City Hall. Those residents can register and cast their vote at City Hall on early voting days and Election Day.
Residents who live within Rockville’s corporate limits and are registered to vote may vote in the City of Rockville election. Rockville is divided into 10 voting districts.
Election results will be counted immediately after polls close. Unofficial results will be available on the City’s website, www.rockvillemd.gov, aired on Rockville 11 (cable channel 11), posted on the city’s Facebook and Twitter and at City Hall.
The Mayor and Council will serve a four year term for the first time in city history. Newly elected officials will take the oath of office during inauguration at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 15, at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre in Civic Center Park, 603 Edmonston Dr.; a reception will follow.
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