Rockville Residents Oppose Carver Bus Depot Site (VIDEOS)
The Montgomery County Council held a meeting today about the relocation of the Shady Grove Bus Depot.
In the audience were members of the Carver Coalition who oppose parking school buses at the Carver Educational Services Center.
The residents were not allowed to testify at today’s meeting but they carried signs and wore yellow t-shirts to get their message across.
Find out more in these MyMCMedia Extra videos, below:
Council staff members were directed at today’s meeting to prepare a resolution to disapprove the declaration of no further need for the County Service Park. Councilmembers are expected to vote on that resolution next week.
.@NancyFloreen directs staff 2 prepare resolution 2 disapprove declaration of no further need for County Service Park East/Jeremiah Park .
— Montgomery Council (@MoCoCouncilMD) June 21, 2016
2/2 .@NancyFloreen also directs staff for a cost/benefit analysis of not doing anything and recommendations 4 long-term solution this fall.
— Montgomery Council (@MoCoCouncilMD) June 21, 2016
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