Rockville Receives Seven Beautification Awards

james monroe park

James Monroe Park PHOTO |City of Rockville

The City of Rockville’s Recreation and Parks Department was recently recognized with seven awards as part of the 28th annual Keep Montgomery County Beautiful awards.

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation sponsors the Keep Montgomery County Beautiful program. The program recognizes community groups, businesses, public institutions and other organizations that undertake landscaping projects to enhance the appearance of commonly owned sections of commercial or residential properties, or the appearance along roadsides, medians or other public locations.

Rockville received six awards of excellence in the Cityscape category, which recognizes parks and municipal street plantings. The awards are for:
• The East Rockville Greenway.
• James Monroe Park.
• The Ponds at Fallsgrove.
• The Pump House at Croydon Park.
• Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park.
• Veterans Park.
In addition, the Veirs Mill Road Landscape Enhancements project was recognized for its second year of sustained excellence.

For more information about Rockville’s parks, visit

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