Rockville Police Station

Crisis Intervention Team Officers of the Year

Rockville Police StationTwo Rockville police officers have been selected by the Montgomery County Crisis Center as Crisis Intervention Team Officers of the Year. This is the first time members of the Rockville Police Department have received this honor.

Corporal Laura Myers and Officer Kristopher Starks were honored at the 14th annual Hero’s Celebration on Nov. 9 in Bethesda, which was sponsored by the Montgomery County National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. The officers were recognized for their compassion for a family whose father died unexpectedly in March.

As part of their commendation, the Montgomery County Crisis Center noted, “Officers Myers and Starks went above and beyond to comfort and offer support to the family in what was a very difficult and complex situation. They truly worked cohesively with the crisis team to try to provide the best possible [response] to the family during this very critical time. We could not have managed the scene as well without professionalism and compassion.”

Cpl. Myers is a six-year veteran of the Rockville Police Department, and prior to that she spent two years as an intelligence analyst at the Drug Enforcement Administration. Ofc. Starks joined the Rockville Police Department in January 2012 after serving four years as a police officer in Detroit.

Police Chief Terry Treschuk said these two officers have the highest commitment to professional law enforcement.

“I’m proud to have Cpl. Myers and Ofc. Starks in our department and appreciate the recognition of their work by the Crisis Center,” Treschuk said.

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