Rockville Meeting Set to Discuss Southlawn Industrial Area Study
The City of Rockville is embarking on a study to identify possible land use and traffic solutions to lessen the impact of industrial uses on the city’s east side neighborhoods.
A meeting for the Southlawn Industrial Area Feasibility Study is scheduled for 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 3 at the Lincoln Park Community Center, 357 Frederick Avenue in Rockville. The public is encouraged to take part.
Attendees will learn more about the Southlawn industrial area, the scope of the study and provide early comments and suggestions to city staff and consultants working on the project.
The study area covers 101 acres west of Gude Drive and First Street, north of Lincoln Street, south of Lofstrand Lane and east of Horners Lane. The area overlaps three of the city’s master plan areas – Southlawn/RedGate, East Rockville and Lincoln Park.
The study will investigate possible short- and long-term solutions in the city’s master plan and neighborhood plans, such as:
–assessing potential non-industrial uses as redevelopment occurs and identifying appropriate light industrial uses;
–reassessing traffic patterns and the road network to reduce truck traffic through the neighborhoods;
— and identifying compatible height, size and scale of new development as compared to the existing neighborhoods
After the June 3rd kickoff meeting, the city will host another public meeting on the study from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday, June 25 at the David Scull Community Center, 1201 First Street.
A series of public meetings as the study progresses will continue throughout 2015 with final recommendations expected in early 2016.
Community members are also invited to share their thoughts on the study area via a comment form on the city’s website.
Learn more about the Southlawn Study and sign up to receive updates on it at www.rockvillemd.gov/southlawnstudy.
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