Rockville GIS Maps Mobile Ready
Rockville is providing more information for residents in an easy to use, on the go format. To address one of the initiatives of the city’s Information Technology Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2012 – 2016, most city GIS maps are now compatible with mobile devices including smartphones.
Among the many maps which are mobile compatible are those for development review projects, historic buildings catalog and historic districts, neighborhood associations, and zoning.
Access to the interactive maps is simply through web page links as provided on the city’s GIS page at www.rockvillemd.gov/gis while the maps display in the web browser of a mobile device.
“The system that runs the map senses what kind of device is being used and configures the display and interactive tools to fit,” said Marc Weinshenker, GIS manager. “And because the maps run in the web browser of the smartphone or tablet, no app installation is required.”
As a reminder, free wireless Internet access is available in most city of Rockville facilities.
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