picture of road construction cones

Road Resurfacing Notification

Gaithersburg’s Department of Public Works will be conducting street resurfacing on Brighton Drive, Brighton Terrace, Brighton Lane, and Brighton Court from approximately August 12 to November 1, weather permitting. The work will consist of resurfacing the existing pavement and removing and replacing the existing curb and gutter and sidewalk, as needed.

The affected neighborhoods will be notified prior to the beginning of the construction activities on a street by street basis. Any parking restrictions will be posted 48 hours in advance of the construction activities and will be strictly enforced by City Police.

Work will take place on weekdays between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Please check the City’s website for status updates, or contact the Gaithersburg’s Department of Public Works at 301.258.6370 or e-mail publicworks@gaithersburgmd.gov.

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