Ride On Forums to Discuss Proposed Service Cuts

Ride On Bus 450x280The public will have a chance to comment on proposed changes to Ride On’s bus service two public forums to be held in September. Route eliminations are being proposed to help close the significant budget shortfall facing the County in FY16. The County will consider all comments received by September 30.

The following routes are being proposed for elimination: Route 42 weekday, Saturday and Sunday service; Route 98 weekday, Saturday and Sunday service; and, Route 83 Saturday and Sunday service.

Each year, Ride On creates a performance indicator for each route and ranks them accordingly. The performance indicator compares the resources allocated to each route with the number of average daily riders. The routes proposed for elimination are among the lowest performing in Ride On’s system.

The forums will begin at 6:30 p.m. on:

– Thursday, September 17 at the UpCounty Regional Services Center at 12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown (large training room); and
– Thursday, September 24 at the Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville (lobby level auditorium)

If either forum is cancelled due to inclement weather, a public forum will be held on Wednesday, September 30.

Individuals and representatives of organizations who wish to speak at either public forum are requested to provide in writing their name, home address, telephone number, e-mail address and organization to the Division of Transit Services, Ride On Public Forum, 101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850. Those wishing to speak at the September 17 forum must provide such information on or before September 14. Those wishing to speak at the September 24 forum must provide such information on or before September 21. Those who have signed up to speak must bring two printed copies of their testimony for the record.

Additionally, comments on the proposed service route eliminations may be submitted in writing, by email, or by fax to the Division of Transit Services by September 30. Send written comments to the Division of Transit Services, Ride On Public Forum, 101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850. Email comments to mcdot.rideonpublicforums@montgomerycountymd.gov and comments by fax may be sent to 240.777.5801.

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