Some Residents Worry About GOP Tax Plan (VIDEO)

PHOTO| Montgomery Democratic Party

In a sit-down meeting with Maryland Senator Ben Cardin (Md-D), Nancy Suniewick of Silver Spring expressed concern over the tax reform bills passed recently by the Senate and the House.

Both bills aim to eliminate the state and local tax reduction. According to the Tax Policy Center, state and local income and real estate taxes make up the bulk of total state and local taxes deducted.

Suniewick said her taxes would go up primarily because with the GOP’s plan, she would be unable to deduct state taxes.

“We’ll have to pay more taxes,” she said. “We’re retired and it will be a blow.”

According to Suniewick, her taxes could  increase by more than $6,000 if a final tax bill goes through Congress which is why she invited Cardin along with Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett, Montgomery County President Hans Riemer, and Councilmembers Nancy Floreen and Marc Elrich  to her home in Silver Spring to discuss the impact the GOP’s tax plan could have on Montgomery County homeowners; and to call on Governor Hogan to speak out against their plan.

“There are 800,000 other stories like Nancy’s who will end up paying more taxes under this GOP tax scam,” Cardin said. “I call it a scam because it’s advertised that it would help Middle-class families but it would hurt Middle class families.”

In a letter addressed to Governor Larry Hogan, Leggett and the Montgomery County Council urged Hogan to voice his opposition for the Republican’s proposals because homeowners in Montgomery County would be hit with a tax increase.

“People move here for the schools and if you can no longer deduct your property taxes, your state and local income taxes, then that’s going to put the squeeze on us for all the funds that we need to provide lower class sizes,” County Council President Hans Riemer, said.  “That’s why I wish the Governor would represent us here and stand up.”

There’s still some uncertainty with the tax plan since the Senate and House have to come to a compromise with their different tax proposals.

But President Trump hopes to sign a tax reform bill by Christmas.

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Mitti Hicks

About Mitti Hicks

Mitti Hicks is a multimedia journalist and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She is passionate about telling stories that impact our community and may be reached at and on Twitter @mittimegan.


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