Residents Can Now Apply For a Shared Street in Their Neighborhood

Montgomery County residents looking for extra space to walk or bike can submit a request for a shared street permit in their neighborhood.

Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s shared streets program aims to temporarily close roadways from vehicle-use to accommodate the need for additional outdoor space amid COVID-19.

Last week, the county temporarily transformed an area of Holdridge Road in Aspen Hill and Grove Street in Silver Spring into neighborhood greenways to support social distancing. The county also closed streets in Bethesda, Wheaton and Silver Spring earlier this month to accommodate additional outdoor seating for restaurants and support economic recovery.

Shared street block permits are available for either a four-day period between Monday and Thursday or a three-day period between Friday and Sunday.

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Samantha Subin

About Samantha Subin

Samantha Subin was a summer 2020 intern with Montgomery Community Media. At the time she was a rising senior at the University of Maryland, majoring in Multiplatform Journalism with a minor in General Business. Follow her on Twitter @samantha_subin


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