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Registration for Summer Recreation Opens May 12

The summer issue of the Montgomery County Guide for Recreation and Parks Programs is now available. Registration for summer classes opens on Monday, May 12 and for swim lessons on May 14.

The Summer Guide offers a wide variety of classes and programs designed to help participants stay active and have fun. Among the many offerings are aquatics, art classes, sports, therapeutic recreation services and active adult senior programming.

Registration is available in one of four ways: by mail or fax, online or in person at the Montgomery County Recreation Administrative Offices at 4010 Randolph Road, Silver Spring.

Print copies of the guide are now available at recreation centers, park facilities, government buildings and public libraries. Residents who prefer to receive the Guide by mail can subscribe for $5 and receive a full year of all five issues (Summer, Fall, Winter, Summer Camps and Spring).

To view the guide online, or to sign up for a subscription, go to www.montgomerycountymd.gov/rec.

For more information, call 240.777.6840.

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