Recreation Offers Diabetes Classes
Montgomery County Recreation and the African American Health program are offering diabetes classes. Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and African Americans experience higher rates of complications due to diabetes.
Basic Must Knows about Diabetes
Topics include carbohydrate counting, food label reading, physical activity, medications and blood glucose monitoring:
1 Session $15 per person
354427 Gwendolyn Coffield Community Recreation Center 4/9 Tu 6:30pm – 9:30pm
354428 Gwendolyn Coffield Community Recreation Center 4/16 Tu 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Diabetes Self Management Education Classes
Topics include carbohydrate counting, food label reading, physical activity, medications, blood glucose monitoring and preventing diabetes complications. Sessions include hands-on activities and practicing skills learned in class. Light meals included.
3 Sessions – $30 per person
354431 Gwendolyn Coffield Community Recreation Center 4/23 Tu 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Call 301.421.5767 for more information.
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