Rebroadcast of Tributes to our Veterans
County Cable Montgomery (CCM), Montgomery County’s government cable station, will honor veterans by rebroadcasting two shows this Memorial Day weekend. The shows were tributes to veterans of World War II and Vietnam that were produced by the County’s PEG (Public / Education / Government) organization of public television stations.
The shows will appear on County Cable Montgomery (Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN, Channel 30 on Verizon) and can be seen via streaming at the Montgomery County web site at: http://tinyurl.com/z9982v8
Tune in the following days and times:
Sunday, 5/29 @ 11 a.m. Montgomery County Honors World War II Veterans
Sunday, 5/29 @ 4 p.m. Honor and Tradition: Montgomery County Salutes Vietnam Veterans
Monday, 5/30 @ 11 a.m. Montgomery County Honors World War II Veterans
Monday, 5/30 @ 9 p.m. Honor and Tradition: Montgomery County Salutes Vietnam Veterans
Montgomery County Honors World War II Veterans first aired in 2012 and was part of the PEG project “Montgomery County Honors World War II Veterans” that included an event attended by a capacity crowd of 600 at the Silver Spring Civic Building in September of 2012.
Montgomery County Honors Vietnam Veterans first aired in October 2015 and was part of the PEG project “Honor and Tradition: Montgomery County Salutes Vietnam Veterans” that included an event attended by a capacity crowd of more than 800 at the Universities at Shady Grove in October 2015.
MyMCMedia joins our community in thanking these and all veterans for their service to our country.
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