
Question 7: Gaming Expansion Referendum (Video)

Question 7, Gaming Expansion Referendum.

The Montgomery County League of Women Voters and MyMCMedia present this description of Question 7 moderated by host Don Mooers. Alicia McLeod, of the League of Women Voters speaks in support of Question 7 while Diane Hibino, also of the League of Women Voters speaks against Question 7. Then, a succinct statement of what voting “yes” or “no” will mean is presented.

This is what will be printed on your ballot:
Do you favor the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education to authorize video lottery operation licensees to operate “table games” as defined by law; to increase from 15,000 to 16,500 the maximum number of video lottery terminals that may be operated in the State; and to increase from 5 to 6 the maximum number of video lottery operation licenses that may be awarded in the State and allow a video lottery facility to operate in Prince George’s County?

See the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County Voter’s Guide here.

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