Question 3: Suspension and Removal of Elected Officials (Video)
Ballot Question 3, Constitutional Amendment, Suspension and Removal of Elected Officials.
The Montgomery County League of Women Voters and MyMCMedia present this description of Question 3 moderated by host Don Mooers. Alicia McLeod, of the League of Women Voters speaks in support of Question 3 while Diane Hibino, also of the League of Women Voters speaks against Question 3. Then, a succinct statement of what voting “yes” or “no” will mean is presented.
This is what waqs printed on the ballot:
Amending Article XV, Section 2 of the Maryland Constitution) Changes the point at which an elected official charged with certain crimes is automatically suspended or removed from office. Under existing law, an elected official who is convicted or pleads no contest is suspended and is removed only when the conviction becomes final. Under the amended law, an elected official is suspended
when found guilty and is removed when the conviction becomes final or when the elected official pleads guilty or no contest.
See the League of Women Voters of Montgomery County Voter’s Guide here.
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