UPDATED: Purple Line Supporters Urge Judge to Rule on Case Holding Up Construction (VIDEO)
Proponents of the Purple Line transit link said a federal judge’s failure to rule on lawsuit in the case was increasing costs of the project that would ultimately fall to taxpayers.
Dozens of supporters as well as members of the media crowded outside the Silver Spring Library to tout the benefits of the Purple Line, which would provide an east-west link from Bethesda to New Carrollton.
Charles Lattuca, who overseees the team responsible for delivering the Purple Line at the Maryland Transit Administration, said each month the project is delayed costs the state $13 million, according to court filings.
The event drew members of the Laborer’s International Union of North America. Dennis Desmond, the union’s business manager, said the Purple Line would create hundreds of jobs with medical benefits and pensions.
Rep. Jamie Raskin told the crowd that the recently passed federal budget resolution included $125 million for Purple Line.
County Executive Ike Leggett, who teaches law, discussed how unusual it is to ask a judge to hurry up with his findings:
Here’s our footage from the entire rally:
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