Public Safety Committee Meets About Law Enforcement Trust and Transparency Act
The Montgomery County Council’s Public Safety Committee met Monday to make recommendations on the Law Enforcement Trust and Transparency Act — a bill that would require an independent investigation performed on each officer-involved death.
The council report states that the bill was introduced due to generations of racial profiling by police in the United States, which officials say has — in recent years — led to an increase in police-involved deaths. In June 2018, a Montgomery County police officer shot 41-year-old Robert White of Silver Spring.
According to the council report, the bill would also establish qualifications for an independent investigator of an officer involved death, require the independent investigators to submit a final written report to the State’s Attorney, and make the report public under certain circumstances. The bill states that the investigation must be performed by at least two investigators with experience and expertise in conducting complex criminal investigations.
The Public Safety Committee will meet again to continue the next step in this process.
To see Bill 1-19 [Law Enforcement Trust and Transparency Act] click this link: https://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/council/Resources/Files/agenda/cm/2019/20190325/20190325_PS1.pdf
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