Image of Pepco truck door with Pepco logo

PSC Hearings on Pepco Rate Increase Application

The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) has announced it will hold evening hearings to receive public comments in connection with Potomac Electric Power Company’s (Pepco) application for an increase in its Maryland retail rates for the distribution of electric energy.

On November 30, 2012, Pepco filed an application with the PSC for an increase to its rates of $60,827,000, alleging that its revenue growth has not kept pace with the growth in its operating costs.  This increase, if approved, would result in an estimated increase to an average residential bill of $7.13 per month.  In addition, Pepco is proposing a new Grid Resiliency Charge to accelerate investment in infrastructure improvements such as priority feeders and tree trimming.  This charge is proposed for the average residential customer as $0.96 per month in 2014, $1.70 per month in 2014 and $1.93 per month in 2016.

The evening hearings are scheduled for:

  • Monday, May 6, 2013   at 7 p.m.

Municipal Center Council Chambers (City Hall)

City of College Park, Maryland

4500 Knox Road, College Park, Maryland

  • Thursday, May 9, 2013   at 7 p.m.

Montgomery College (Rockville Campus)

Technical Center – Room TC 136

51 Mannakee Street, Rockville, Maryland

Written comments may also be filed with the PSC by Friday, May 31 addressed to David J. Collins, Executive Secretary, Maryland Public Service Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 and should reference “Case No. 9311.”



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