pothole in road

Pothole Problems?

Rolston Road pothole repairYour ride to work and school may be bumpy this week and next as potholes are beginning to show up on area roads.

Road crews are busy filling the inevitable potholes that typically follow a snowstorm.

According to information posted on the Montgomery County website, potholes are generally inspected and repaired within three business days on county maintained roads.

In Montgomery County, you can call 311 to report a pothole or create a service request, here.

If the road is a numbered route, such as Route 355,  enter a service request on the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) website, here.

SHA Spokesperson David Buck said it’s important to provide specific details in your report about the location of the pothole in order to make sure state highway crews find it, to fill it. He said crews are using cold patch in the winter on potholes, which should hold thru the winter. The potholes are then permanently filled in the spring as the weather warms up.

The State Highway Administration (SHA) maintains nearly 17,000 lane miles of road in Maryland’s 23 counties that carry almost three quarters of all traffic in the state. Generally, SHA crews will fill a pothole within two business days, unless it requires a more permanent, substantial repair, in which case it may take a few more days to complete, Buck said.

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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