Police Warning Residents About Utility Scam

Officers from the Montgomery County Police Department are warning residents about a utility scam after receiving multiple reports of  scammers calling county residents, identifying themselves as Pepco employees, and asking for payment.

According to police, a call was made to a resident on Oct. 30 and a person identified himself as a Pepco employee before telling the victim that he was behind on his utility bill.  The suspect told the victim that he could pay the bill by obtaining a prepaid debit card and providing the debit card information to the scammer over the telephone.

Police are asking anyone who believe they are a victim of this scam and have sent payment,to call the police non-emergency number at 301.279.8000 to report the incident.

Pepco officials are urging customers to remain vigilant against any possible scam attempts, to take the following precautions to avoid being scammed:

  • Never provide social security or personal information to anyone initiating contact with you claiming to be a utility representative or requesting you to send money to another person or entity other than your local utility providers;
  • Always ask to see a company photo ID before allowing any utility worker into your home or business;
  • When in doubt, check it out. Be skeptical of individuals wearing clothing with old or defaced company logos;
  • And never make payment for services to anyone coming to the door.
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