My Perspective as a GGCC Intern

Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber’s Director of Marketing, Laura Rowles, with the Chamber’s Summer intern, Juliana Guerra, at a recent Chamber event. Guerra is a senior at Gaithersburg High School.
The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) is delighted to introduce you to its Summer intern Juliana Guerra. The Chamber is so honored to be able to participate in the Montgomery County Public Schools Internship program. It is a wonderful opportunity for the students to get hands-on experience and learn about the “real world”. If you have the capability to take on an intern, please contact a local high school and get involved. Our Director of Marketing, Laura Rowles, mentors the students and instills valuable first-hand knowledge of potential future career paths. It is truly rewarding.
Now a little bit about Juliana in her own words.
Hi! I am Juliana Guerra, a Gaithersburg High School rising senior, and interning at the GGCC over the summer. Even though it is only my third day, I have already learned so much. Just imagine how much I’ll know by the end of the summer!
I came about doing an internship because I need one to graduate. At my school, we have different academies and programs that require an internship to graduate. As part of the Academy of Finance, I am also required to take certain courses, like accounting and entrepreneurship.
Many would say I am an honor student, and I’m not going to sit here and deny it. I did deny it for awhile, but I have learned to embrace these compliments. This didn’t come easily, I wanted to feel like I deserved to be called this so, I worked really hard to get my grades up and I finally reached my goal to get all As. I also participated in clubs and extracurricular activities that I like to call hobbies.
One of my hobbies is being apart of GHS Drama as one of the stage managers for plays and musicals. It’s a lot of work but so much fun that it is worth it. I know this is something I will always treasure because I have made so many new friends, experienced so many new things and grown as a person. As sad as I am because this will be my last year at GHS Drama, I know it’ll be a good one. I play field hockey in the fall and winter. It is the only sport I play so I wouldn’t say I’m athletic but I do put a lot of effort into it. I started playing hockey in my freshman year and I fell in love with it so much so that I want to pursue this sport in college.
Since I am a high school rising senior, I get asked what colleges I am looking at. Let’s get this question out of the way. My answers are: University of Pennsylvania (not to be mistaken with Penn State, this one is the ivy league one ha-ha), University of Maryland College Park and, honestly, I’m still looking into it. Now that we have that out of the way, lets get back to what we were talking about- hobbies!
I am also in various other clubs, such as Asian American Awareness Association, Rho Kappa Honors Society, Spanish Honors Society and National Honors Society. Because I love teaching and helping others, I became the Vice President of Tutoring for National Honors Society. As a Latina in the diverse community of Gaithersburg High School, my want for minority representation has lead me on the road to creating a minority union that isn’t just for Latinos but all minorities. This passion project of mine has me eagerly awaiting the new school year.
I have many occupations I want to work in when I am older. I want to have a business or financial degree to fall back on. I really want to be an environmental scientist and promote solar power. I really like the idea of directing and producing films so I might use videos to help advertise my views. Another option is being a geneticist, specifically, finding out a client’s likelihood to have certain diseases. I feel I am detached enough to not let negative outcomes bother me but I am still compassionate enough to help clients through those outcomes. Eventually I want to become a teacher. Like I said earlier, I love helping others learn. Seeing someone’s face light up when they understand something is an unexplainable experience.
I can’t wait to see what the future holds and thanks for taking time to learn a little about me. Wish me luck!
Stay tuned for future “Juliana Guerra: My Perspective as the GGCC Intern”.
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