Ike Leggett interviewed on "One on One"

“One on One” With Ike Leggett (Video)

County Cable Montgomery (CCM) Lorna Virgili interviews Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett in this recent episode of “One on One.” Leggett discusses many of the events of this summer including the derecho storm of June 29th, the government’s response, Pepco’s response and cautions of home repair scams. Leggett estimates storm clean up will cost in excess of $10 million. Other topics include numerous ground breakings in the county and transportation updates.

View earlier episodes at County Cable Montgomery.

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One Response to ““One on One” With Ike Leggett (Video)”

  1. Avatar
    On September 13, 2012 at 6:13 am responded with... #

    Thanks for your question, Joseph.County exec Ike Leggett won’t have the final draft of his preopsod 2008 budget until March 15. It’s unclear whether the Birchmere is calculated in the finances.Leggett has invited residents to send their budget suggestions either or in person at this month’s . The county council also will hold public forums on the budget this spring, according to the Office of Management and Budget.Final budget approval from the county council doesn’t happen until the end of May.

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