Governor Martin O'Malley picture

O’Malley Submits Gaming Expansion Legislation

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley submitted legislation authorizing expansion of gaming in Maryland.  The legislation has the potential to create thousands of new jobs and secure millions of dollars in new revenue for Maryland’s public schools.  The legislation is the primary focus of the current special session of the Maryland General Assembly.


By finally resolving this issue of gaming in Maryland, we have an opportunity to generate more than $100 million for our #1 ranked public schools, create 2,200 additional, permanent jobs, and keep Maryland’s facilities competitive with surrounding states.”


The legislation we are sending to the members of the General Assembly will create predictability in the marketplace, protect local and city aid being generated at existing sites, ensure authorized facilities are able to be built, and allow the people of Prince George’s County the opportunity to decide whether they want a sixth site for the benefit of their county and revenue base.”

 View the Governor’s bill and other pertinent documents .

View this video to hear the reasons Governor O’Malley supports gaming expansion.

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