O’Looney Shares Video Featuring Students Urging Classmates to Wear a Mask

Richard Montgomery High School senior Hana O’Looney stars in a 45-second video on the importance of wearing a mask.

“Wearing a mask will help keep in-person school open,” O’Looney, the 44th Student Member of the Montgomery County Public School’s Board of Education (SMOB), said in the video.

The 45-second video features students during various parts of the school day – riding a bus, in the classroom, in the lunchroom – all urging their classmates to properly wear a mask. The students remind everyone to carry an extra mask and not to forget to wash their masks from time to time.

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Suzanne Pollak

About Suzanne Pollak

Suzanne is a freelance reporter with Montgomery Community Media. She has over 35 years professional experience writing for newspapers, magazines, non-profit newsletters and the web.


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