Obama Attends Basketball Game in College Park Today (PHOTO)
President Barack Obama attended the Princeton vs. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay women’s basketball game in College Park today.
According to online reports, President Obama was at the first round NCAA game to cheer on his niece, Leslie Robinson, who plays for the undefeated Tigers.
MyMCMedia’s Phil Fabrizio captured this photo (right) of Obama at the game.
Pres Obama watched Princeton Women BB remain undefeated here with brother in law – his niece Leslie Robinson plays pic.twitter.com/PRyarqA1HS
— Phil Fabrizio (@Photoloaf) March 21, 2015
The first uncle is here to cheer for @PrincetonWBB! Very cool! pic.twitter.com/TMuMP7dxJO
— Robin Harris (@IvyExecDir) March 21, 2015
POTUS has arrived, wearing brown bomber jacket. pic.twitter.com/fHLfmNNNeh
— Gene Wang (@gene_wang) March 21, 2015
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