Noyes Library Features ’10 Hidden Heroes’ StoryWalk

Throughout the pandemic, Noyes Children’s Library Foundation has been featuring StoryWalk, which allows families to stroll through Warner Circle Park in Kensington on self-guided explorations of a book.

June 19 through July 18, “Ten Hidden Heroes” will be featured on posted signs at the park, which is adjacent to the Noyes Library for Young Children, 10237 Carroll Place, Kensington. It is the sixth StoryWalk. Participants will receive a craft kit that they can pick up in a box in front of the library on Saturdays and Sundays.

The book, by Mark Shriver, highlights ways children and adults can be heroes in their everyday lives. Shriver, president of Save the Children Action Network, wrote about the importance of helping others through teaching, caring for animals, protecting the environment or helping others.

Families are encouraged to share a photo of the walk, a selfie at Noyes, and/or a photo of the completed craft on the Noyes Children’s Library Facebook page, post to Facebook and tag the Noyes Children’s Library Foundation, or post to Instagram and tag @makemorenoyes.

Noyes Library is scheduled to reopen July 6.

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Suzanne Pollak

About Suzanne Pollak

Suzanne is a freelance reporter with Montgomery Community Media. She has over 35 years professional experience writing for newspapers, magazines, non-profit newsletters and the web.


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