Nominations Wanted for Nancy Dworkin Awards for Service to Youth

montgomery county logoThe Montgomery County Commission on Children and Youth is seeking nominations for the 30th annual Nancy Dworkin Awards for Outstanding Service to Youth.

These awards recognize individuals and organizations that have made a difference in the lives of children and youth in Montgomery County.

Awards will be presented at a special 30th anniversary awards ceremony on May 16 at the Gilchrist Hall Auditorium on the Johns Hopkins University campus in Rockville.

Nominations must be received by Wednesday, April 6.

Award Categories:

• Youth – a child or young person, 21 years of age and younger, who has performed a service for children and youth.

• Service Provider – an individual (e.g. teacher, counselor, police officer, fire fighter) who provides services to children and youth.

• Volunteer – an individual who provides volunteer services to children and youth.

• Organization – an organization that is in the business of providing services to children and youth.

• Business – a for-profit business in the County that provides an outstanding volunteer service for children and youth.

The award is named in memory of Nancy Dworkin, past chair of the Commission, who died in 1987. Dworkin was the Director of the Center for Unique Learners, a Rockville school for children with learning disabilities. Her upbeat teaching philosophy focused on “teaching to strength” and encouraging all students to develop skills and reach their own potential.

Nominations may be made by anyone who knows of the nominee’s service. All nominees must have performed a service for children and youth in Montgomery County. In selecting the award recipients, the Awards Committee will consider the quality of service, length of time for which services were provided, number of children and youth benefiting from the service, and impact on diverse communities.

Nominations should be sent to:

Awards, Commission on Children and Youth
Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services
7300 Calhoun Place, Suite 700
Rockville, MD 20855

For more information, see this flier.

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