Nominations Wanted for Charles W. Gilchrist Volunteer Award

Friends of the Library Montgomery CountyThe Friends of the Library is asking the public to submit nominations for the Charles W. Gilchrist Volunteer Award that recognizes an individual, family, family foundation, corporation, or civic group that has demonstrated exceptional service to Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) through volunteer and/or philanthropic support.

Presented annually by the Friends of the Library, Montgomery County (FOLMC), the award is given in memory of former Montgomery County Executive Charles W. Gilchrist who sought to encourage community participation in the County.

The nominee should be an exceptional volunteer or donor who has made a significant contribution to the public library system. The nomination should be submitted in writing and include the following information with specific examples:

Evidence of volunteer or philanthropic support (hours of service, donations of money or in-kind goods, bequest, etc.).

Description of the impact on your specific branch or MCPL.

Description of any other volunteer or philanthropic support in Montgomery County or the region.

Letters of support (optional) from other charitable organizations detailing nature and impact of support, and innovative approaches to solving community problems.

The full nomination packet is due by January 12, 2015 and can be emailed to or sent to: Ari Brooks, Executive Director, FOLMC, 21 Maryland Ave., Suite 310, Rockville, MD 20850.

Emailed documents should be submitted as one file as either a .pdf, .doc or .docx. The email subject line and file name should read: [NomineeFirstName.LastName].GilchristAward.Nomination

The award will be presented at an event on April 18 during National Library Week.

For more information, contact FOLMC at 240.777.0020.

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