‘No Justice, No Peace’: Visuals From Black Lives Matter Protest in Gaithersburg

Black Lives Matter protestors gathered in Gaithersburg July 23 demanding justice for Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain and other victims of police brutality.

MyMCMedia covered the protest on social media. Here are some visuals:

Protestors are escorted by a police car.

Protestors carry signs reading “hands up don’t shoot” and “skin color is not reasonable suspicion.”

Cars honk as protestors march along Clopper Road chanting “black lives matter.”

A young protestor leads a series of chants through the megaphone: “no justice, no peace, prosecute the police” and “say her name.” At around 5:02 p.m., protestors kneel in silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds.

Protestors return to Diamond Farm Park at around 5:30 p.m. “Black Lives Matter,” protestors chant.

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Samantha Subin

About Samantha Subin

Samantha Subin was a summer 2020 intern with Montgomery Community Media. At the time she was a rising senior at the University of Maryland, majoring in Multiplatform Journalism with a minor in General Business. Follow her on Twitter @samantha_subin


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