Nighttime Economy Task Force Seeks Public Input (VIDEO)

The Nighttime Economy Task Force is more than half-way through developing draft recommendations to help boost the nightlife in Montgomery County and the group wants more community input.

At its latest meeting (on August 19), at the Rockville Library each subcommittee gave a few draft recommendations that they will be sharing with the community.

The task force will be visiting five Montgomery County citizen’s advisory boards in September and October to gain additional public opinion, according to Heather Dlhopolsky, the chair of the Nighttime Economy Task Force.

The final proposal is expected to be given to Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett (D) in October.

In the following video extras, MyMCMedia’s Tamika Smith talked to various members of subcommittees about their top recommendations.

Take a look:

Evan Glass is a member of the quality of life engagement subcommittee.

Megan Pagado is a member of the arts and entertainment subcommittee.

Holly Sears Sullivan is the president of the Maryland Business Development Corporation

Dan Reed runs a blogs at “Just Up The Pike”and is a member of the transportation subcommittee.

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Tamika Smith

About Tamika Smith

Tamika Smith is passionate and curious about the world. She often wonders what motivates people to walk in their particular journeys in life. A native of Miami, Florida Smith graduated from Howard University in 2007 and continues to give back through mentorship.


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