Newton Elected Mayor, Feinberg, Carr, Pierzchala and Onley to Council in Rockville
Rockville voters cast their ballots for a mayor and four councilmembers Tuesday, Nov. 3. The city released preliminary results showing Rockville re-elected Bridget Donnell Newton as mayor with 4,069 votes, or 64.85 percent of the total. Newton will serve a four-year term.
Four councilmembers were also elected Tuesday. They are Beryl L. Feinberg, Virginia Onley, Julie Palakovich Carr and Mark Pierzchala.
Election results will be certified as official no later than Tuesday, Nov. 10. The new Mayor and Council will serve a four-year term for the first time in city history.
Newton, a 34-year resident of Rockville, will return to the mayor’s seat for her second term, after serving two terms as a councilmember. Mayoral challenger Sima Osdoby received 2,182 votes, or 34.78 percent of the vote.
The four winning councilmembers received the following vote totals:
Feinberg, 3,387 (14.36 percent)
Palakovich Carr, 2,947 (12.5 percent)
Pierzchala, 2,755 (11.68 percent)
Onley, 2,698 (11.44 percent)
Feinberg, Onley and Palakovich Carr were each elected to their second term as a councilmember. Pierzchala served on the council for two terms from 2009-2013.
Five additional candidates ran for council and received the following votes:
Richard Gottfried, 2,416 (10.25 percent)
Patrick Schoof, 2,375 (10.07 percent)
Brigitta Mullican, 2,367 (10.04 percent)
David Hill, 2,317 (9.83 percent)
Clark Reed, 2,243 (9.51 percent)
Of the 40,749 registered voters in Rockville, there was a total of 6,343 ballots cast (15.57 percent), including votes cast on early voting days, same-day registration at City Hall on Election Day and by absentee. Elections are nonpartisan and held every four years.
All results are posted on the city’s website, www.rockvillemd.gov/electionresults.
The new Mayor and Council will be sworn in during an inauguration ceremony at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 15 at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre, 603 Edmonston Dr.
The first meeting of the new Mayor and Council is at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 16 at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave.
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