Woodmont Avenue Parking Garage

New Parking Rates in Bethesda & Montgomery Hills

On July 1, a new public parking rate pricing structure will begin in Bethesda that charges more for the spaces in highest demand. The new rates eliminate rate differences between long and short term parking, instead basing charges on the type of parking that is used.

The new parking rates will be: $2 per hour for on-street parking meters; $1.25 per hour for surface parking lots; and $.80 per hour for garage parking. Current rates in Bethesda are $1.25 per hour for short term parking (four hours or less) and $.80 per hour for long term parking (greater than four hours).

Customers should be aware that parking time restrictions still apply and parking spaces may be restricted to short term or long term parking.

A parking rate increase was also approved for Montgomery Hills. The rates will be $.50 per hour for both short-term and long-term parking.

The Montgomery County Council approved the parking rate changes as part of the County’s fiscal year 2014 budget approved in May.

For additional information on parking rates and options in Bethesda, Montgomery Hills and the other County parking lot districts, visit the Division of Parking Management’s website, call 240.777.8740 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., or email the Parking Division directly at parking@montgomerycountymd.gov.

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