Nebel Street Fire
UPDATED Montgomery County firefighters responded to an automobile fire in a commercial garage at 11801 Nebel Street at 6 a.m. on Feb. 12 in North Bethesda.
The first arriving firefighters at the scene of the blaze reported heavy fire from the garage bay unit and requested additional units. A second alarm was dispatched a few minutes later.
At the height of the fire, over 75 firefighters were called to battle the blaze. Officials said it took almost two hours to control the fire. There were no injuries reported.
According to incident command, the fire originated in a multiple bay garage of the Washington Gas Fleet and Dispatch Facility and extended into the tire storage area of the repair shop.
Fire investigators have ruled the fire accidental – undetermined. Damage estimates are $500,000 to the contents and $500,000 to the structure.
Update: 11801 Nebel St. Fire reported out @ fleet dispatch facility for Wash. Gas. No reported injuries. Investigators OTS. More when avail
— MontgomeryCo(MD)Fire (@mcfrs) February 12, 2014
MCFRS units OTS of fire in the 11800 blk of Nebel St. Heavy fire from garage bay area. Units in defensive operation. 2nd Alarm staging.
— MontgomeryCo(MD)Fire (@mcfrs) February 12, 2014
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