Navarro Talks Dual Language Immersion Initiative (VIDEO)
Montgomery County Councilmember shares in this MyMCMedia Extra that she is in “conversations” with Montgomery County Public Schools officials about the creation of a dual language immersion program.
“What if we had dual language programs where you can have that low-income Latino student learning English and perfecting their Spanish alongside their peers- who are learning Spanish and perfecting their English at the same time,” she said.
Navarro thinks the initiative would be a “win-win” to all residents of Montgomery County, and hopes to launch next year.
“We can evaluate to see whether indeed children who otherwise would’ve been in ESOL programs that would’ve cost more money; whether they can actually attain proficiency in academic English faster and therefore not cost so much,” Navarro added.
According to MCPS website, there are elementary foreign language immersion programs at seven sites in the county: three in Spanish, two in French, and two in Chinese. The two French programs and one of the Spanish programs are total immersion. Two of the Spanish programs and both Chinese programs are partial immersion.
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