Update: National Weather Service Issues High Wind Warning for Thursday Night Through Saturday Morning

Update: The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Warning for Montgomery County, effective from Thursday 9:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. Saturday. Winds blowing from the Northwest 25 to 40 mph with gusts around 60 to 70 mph are expected. The strongest winds are expected to occur Friday morning.

Strong gusting winds can bring down trees, power lines and street signs. Widespread power outages are expected. The winds will make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.

Hold onto your hat! The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Watch for Montgomery County, effective from late Thursday night through Friday evening. There is the potential for this wind storm to be the strongest in at least three years.

At this time the NWS predicts the winds to be from the Northwest from 25 to 40 mph with gusts possibly up to 60 mph.

Strong, damaging winds may blow down limbs, trees and power lines. Widespread power outages may also occur. Strong winds can make driving difficult, especially for high profile vehicles.

A High Wind Watch means there is the potential for damaging winds. Sustained winds of 40 mph with gusts of 58 mph or stronger may occur.

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