More Than 100 Gallons of Home Heating Oil Spills in Basement in North Potomac
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue workers are on the scene of a large home heating oil spill at a home in North Potomac.
According to MCFRS Spokesman Pete Piringer more than 100 gallons of home heating oil spilled from an interior tank in the basement of a home on Winesap Terrace.
Update – Winesap Te, #mcfrs hazmat crews on scene w/ >100 gals of home heating oil spilled from interior tank pic.twitter.com/cjczq1mNHF
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 12, 2015
U/D – HazMat Crews prepare to enter house on Winesap Ter to control home hearing oil spill in basement, in inj pic.twitter.com/i7Ms34fszw
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 12, 2015
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